Monday, November 30, 2009

New Study Mondays 7:00 PM @ Couches

Change Collegian Network is all about teaching people how to share their faith (Evangelism) but we are also all about spiritual growth. Our faith is based upon the person of Jesus Christ, and the person of Jesus Christ has been changed by many different groups over the years, and even today we can find a different Jesus being taught in churches, on talk radio, the popular media, and even in modern 'christian' literature. Who is the real Jesus? We will strive to answer that question together over the next several weeks leading up to winter break and continuing into the spring semester.

We hope that you will join us, whether you are a committed follower of Jesus Christ, someone who is curious about Christ, or someone who does not believe in Christ. We will meet in the SMSU Student Center, by the couches, at 7:00 PM each monday night that school is open. Join us!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Don't forget- Next Meeting SMSU CC206 7:00 Monday

All of our friends from the Evolution Open Forum and from 'The Big Question' are all invited to our next meeting, this coming Monday at 7:00 PM at CC206. Bring your new Bibles, and your questions, and we will have a discussion about all your questions, and maybe even give you some new ones!

You are all also invited to become a FAN of ChangeSMSU on FACEBOOK!