Friday, February 19, 2010


Join CCNSMSU for CCN Friday Nights- MARCH MADNESS editions

We will be traveling to Mineapolis via Suburban for the State Hockey and State Basketball Tournaments. We will be joined by John the Evangelist in Minneapolis to preach the Word.

March 10th- Leave at 8:30 AM from SMSU to arrive at Mariucci Arena (U of M Campus) We will preach here until 4:00, then head over to St. Paul Xcel Energy Center to preach. We will return late Friday.

March 24th- Leave at 8:30 AM from SMSU To preach at UofM Campus from 11:30-3:00 then head over to Minneapolis. We will start at the Target Center, and work our way around Downtown to preach open air and hand out tracts. We will return late Friday.