Allow myself to introduce....me
My name is John Chisham, and I am a Pastor in Marshall, MN
I am also the CCN Campus leader for SMSU!
What is CCN you ask?
CCN is a campus ministry whose main goal it is to train Christian students how to be biblical Christians. So many students leave their homes and go to college, and when they leave home, they leave the 'faith of their fathers'...because it really was not theirs to begin with. Many students cannot even articulate why they believe!
It is our goal, through careful Bible training, discussion, and practical experiences to help build up a new generation of Biblical Christians at SMSU!
What is a Biblical Christian?
I am glad you asked. A Biblical Christian is one who has repented of their sins, trusted Jesus alone for their salvation, and has evidence of being Born Again by the way that they live their lives!
A Biblical Christian......
-continually communicates with God in prayer
-can't get enough of the Bible
-relies on the power of the Holy Spirit
-loves to be in fellowship with other believers
-produces fruit in keeping with repentance
-shares their faith (Evangelism)
How do you build a biblical Christian? Its simple. You practice, together, weekly. Its called equipping, and it is the job of the local church. We come alongside the local church on college campuses to equip you to be all that you can be through the Lord Jesus Christ while you are at college.
If you are a born again believer, CCNSMSU is for you.
If you want to grow in your faith, CCNSMSU is for you.
If you want to learn how to share your faith effectively and biblically, CCNSMSU is for you.
If you want to fellowship with other Christians CCNSMSU is for you!
If you want solid apologetics to help defend your faith, CCNSMSU is for you.
We hope you will come check us out! watch this blog for more information.
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