Tuesday Nights, 7:30 PM
Room: SC206- Above the Bookstore, in Alumni Hall of Fame
This semester, we will:
- Open with testimonies of the week!
- Then we will pray; for each other, our campus, and CCN national, and for our missions trips!
- Spend the next 50 minutes in intense training for our spring break trip to Panama City Beach Florida and to New York City using the Intermediate Training Course!
- Practice what we preach by going out into our campus and sharing our faith, along with road trips to Minneapolis and Sioux Falls SD.
Remember, we also desire to start a Bible Study for young believers and for those who have questions about Christianity! Keep your ears open for the best time!
This year, Repent and Witness NYC is July30-August 3rd. The Cost is around $250. Go to changeyourcampus.com to register!
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